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Adventure Layout

Aimed at documenting homebrewed adventures from the point-of-view of the Dungeon Master, use this when planning an adventure, so that all information regarding it is centralized.

This layout has two columns:

  1. The left one contains fist-level header, author name and date. Under which sits the main content of the post - all that is not on the front matter.
  2. The right one shows the adventure metadata (all of which is under the adventure variable in the front matter) in a information box, below we list the metadata available to set and its requirement or lack thereof.
Metadata Required? Type Description
name :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the adventure
char-num :heavy_check_mark: integer The number of player characters suggested for the adventure
lvl :heavy_check_mark: object An object describing suggested levels, see below
lvl.range :heavy_check_mark: boolean true if designed for a range of levels (e.g. 1st-3rd), false otherwise
lvl.min :x: string Minimum PC level suggested (e.g. 3), required if lvl.range is true
lvl.max :x: string Maximum PC level suggested, required if lvl.range is true
lvl.lvl :x: string PC level suggested, required if lvl.range is false
max-xp :x: integer Maximum XP obtainable for the adventure
max-gp :x: integer Maximum gold obtainable for the adventure
encounters :x: integer Number of encounters available on the adventure
type :x: string Type of adventure (e.g. Dungeon Delve)
questline :x: object An object describing the questline to which this adventure pertains :x: string The name of the questline or campaign
questline.chapter :x: string The chapter of the questline or campaign

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