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Age Layout

This layout is aimed at defined periods of time, events that pertained to it and its place in the flow of time.

This layout has a single column, which contains the first-level header, author name, date, age’s beginning and end. Below which lies the contents of the chapter, with, when defined, links to previous and next ages.

Metadata Required? Type Description
abbr :heavy_check_mark: string The abbreviation of the era’s name for year notation
order :heavy_check_mark: integer The order when this age has occured
start :x: integer or boolean The beginning year of this age, or false if unknown
end :x: integer or boolean The last year of this age, or false if current age
previous :x: string or boolean The filename (without extension) of the previous age, or false if none
next :x: string or boolean The filename (without extension) of the next age, or false if none

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