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Settlement Layouts

This layout is aimed at documenting cities, towns, metropoleis and other settlements, as well as their structures of power, shops and houses.

This layout has two columns:

  1. The left column contains the first-level header, author name, date, contents and, below these, a list of both shops and/or houses, where available.
  2. The right column contains the settlement metadata, which, as the shops and houses, are defined in the front matter.

Settlement Metadata

These are the metadata shown on the right column of the layout.

Metadata Required? Type Description
name :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the settlement
type :heavy_check_mark: string The type of settlement
size :heavy_check_mark: string The size (area) of the settlement, with unit
demographics :heavy_check_mark: array of objects An array of objects, each of which defines a fraction of the population
race.race :heavy_check_mark: string The race of this fraction
race.percent :heavy_check_mark: integer How much of the population is this fractions (without %)
population :heavy_check_mark: integer Total number of people on this settlement
gp-limit :x: integer The maximum price any single item may cost
wealth :x: integer The total wealth of the settlement
centres :x: array of objects An array of objects, each of which defines a single center of power.
centre.type :heavy_check_mark: string The type of power structure :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the power structure
centre.align :heavy_check_mark: string The alignment of the power structure
authorities :x: array of objects An array of objects, each of which defines one authority figure of the settlement
authority.class :heavy_check_mark: string The class of the authority, or the 5E template
authority.level :x: integer The level of the authority
authority.title :heavy_check_mark: string The title the authority holds :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the authority

Shops Metadata

This variable is an array of objects, each of which is explained below.

Defining any shops is optional, but should you define them, most variables are required, see below.

Metadata Required? Type Description
type :heavy_check_mark: string The type of shop
name :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the shop
owner :x: object An object defining the owner of the shop :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the owner
owner.gender :heavy_check_mark: string The gender of the owner
owner.race :heavy_check_mark: string The race of the owner
owner.class :heavy_check_mark: string The class of the owner
owner.level :heavy_check_mark: integer The level of the owner
prices :heavy_check_mark: object An object defining the price rates of the shop
prices.sell :heavy_check_mark: integer or boolean The price percentage (without the %) of selled goods, or false if don’t sell :heavy_check_mark: integer or boolean The price percentage (without the %) of buyed goods, of false if don’t buy
location :heavy_check_mark: string The location of the shop
desc :heavy_check_mark: string The description of the shop
goods :x: object An object defining the type and list of selled goods :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the selled goods (e.g. Potions or Weapons)
goods.list :heavy_check_mark: array of objects As array of objects, each of which is a single selling item :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the item
goods.item.cost :heavy_check_mark: string The price of the item (with currency, e.g. 8 cp)

Houses Metadata

This variable is also an array of objects, each of which is explained below.

Defining any houses is optional, but should you define them, most variables are required, see below.

Metadata Required? Type Description
type :heavy_check_mark: string The type of house (e.g. Tiny Cottage)
name :x: string If appliable, the unique name of the house
location :heavy_check_mark: string The location of the house within the settlement
desc :heavy_check_mark: string A description of the house
people :heavy_check_mark: array of objects An array of objects, each of which defines one person who lives in the house :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the inhabitant
person.gender :heavy_check_mark: string The gender of the inhabitant
person.race :heavy_check_mark: string The race of the inhabitant
person.class :heavy_check_mark: string The class of the inhabitant
person.level :heavy_check_mark: integer The level of the inhabitant
person.owner :x: boolean Whether or not this inhabitant is the owner of the house
items :x: array of objects An array of objects, each of which defines one item of note within the house :heavy_check_mark: string The name of the object or type of object
item.desc :heavy_check_mark: string The description of the object or type of object

Demographics Metadata

This variable is also an array of objects, with a settled pattern.

Detailing the demographics of the settlement is optional, but should you want to detail it further, most of the variables are required, see below.

Metadata Required? Type Description
title :heavy_check_mark: string Name of the class of demographic
desc :heavy_check_mark: array An array of objects, each detailing the subclass of demographics

See the example for how to format.

Demographic’s Subclass Objects

Each class of demographic can contain any number of subclasses. Each subclass contains a title and a quantity, both of which are required.

Metadata Required? Type Description
title :heavy_check_mark: string Name of the subclass of demographic
qtt :heavy_check_mark: integer The number of members of this subclass of demographic

Buildings Metadata

The quantity of buildings is now also customizable. Under the buildings variable, which is optional, one may define any number of building count.

Metadata Required? Type Description
title :heavy_check_mark: string Name of the class of building
qtt :heavy_check_mark: integer The number of buildings of this class

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