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Item Layout

This layout is aimed at documenting items other than weapons and armors.

This layout has two columns:

  1. The left one contains the fist-level header, author name and date. Under which sits the description of the item.
  2. The right column contains game statistics, which must be defined in the front matter.
Metadata Required? Type Description
name :heavy_check_mark: string Name of the item
type :heavy_check_mark: string The type of item (e.g. Ring, Wondrous Item, Staff)
weight :heavy_check_mark: string The weight of the item, see below
value :heavy_check_mark: float or integer The base value of the item, in gold pieces
attributes :x: array of strings A list of strings with metadata the item grants

5e Specific Front Matter

Metadata Required? Type Description
e5.rarity :x: string The rarity of the item (e.g. Common, Artifact, Unique)
e5.attunement :x: string What kind of creature may attune to the item, see below
e5.charges :x: object An object containing the charge definitions
e5.charges.number :heavy_check_mark: integer The maximum number of charges
e5.charges.reset :x: string The time at which the item regains charges, with preposition (i.e. after a long rest, not long rest)
e5.charges.regain :x: string The number of charges regained after the reset condition (either an absolute number or a roll condition), required if e5.charges.reset is set


The attunement variable is optional. If you set it, keep in mind that:

  1. The item will be considered to require attunement; and
  2. The string you set will be prepended by Requires attunement by ....

Data with Units

If the metadata variable you are setting would have a spacial unit (e.g. ft, mi, m, km), you must give it into the variable, which will certainly be a string. Sadly, D&D works under the archaic imperial system of units, should you want to convert everything under this layout, you may - and would make its owner very proud and happy in the process.

Variables pertaining to value need not be given gp after them, the layout deal with this.

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