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Animals Layout

This layout is aimed at animals that do not count as battle enemies, such as pets and cattle, e.g.

This layout has a single column, which contains the first-level header, author name, date, species scientific name, linnaean classification of the animal, metadata and the body of text of the species description.

Metadata Required? Type Description
species :heavy_check_mark: string The scientific name of the species
linnaean :x: array A list of strings, each the name of one of the linnaean groups1
feeding :x: string or object The type of trophism of the species
feeding.type :x: string The major group of trophism (Autotroph or Heterotroph)
feeding.subtype :x: string The pattern of feeding (e.g. fotosynthesizer, herbivore)
sizes :x: string or object The size of the species, either a class of size or the range of sizes
sizes.type :heavy_check_mark: string The dimension of size (e.g. length, height, wingspan)
sizes.unit :heavy_check_mark: string The unit of measure (e.g. m, ft, mm)
sizes.min :heavy_check_mark: integer The smallest size of an adult specimen
sizes.max :heavy_check_mark: integer The largest size of an adult specimen
weight :x: string or object The weight of the species, either a description or a range of weights
weight.unit :heavy_check_mark: string The unit of measure (e.g. kg, lb)
weight.min :heavy_check_mark: integer The lightest weight of an adult specimen
weight.max :heavy_check_mark: integer The heaviest weight of an adult specimen
habitat :x: string or object The place where this species is usually found
habitat.biome :heavy_check_mark: string The kind of environment the species calls home
habitat.plane :x: string The plane of existance from where the species comes
iucn :x: string from list The two-letter code of the conservation state of this species2
domestic :x: boolean Whether or not this species is domesticated
note :x: string A short comment on the animal not under the above categories
  1. See the taxonomic rank for the Linnaean groups.
  2. See the IUCN Red List categories, we use the 2001 version.

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